2023 Legislative Priorities
The Arizona Lodging & Tourism Association (AzLTA) serves as the statewide voice of advocacy for Arizona’s travel, tourism, sports, and hospitality industry. Our advocacy efforts take place at the local, state, and national levels and cover a wide range of policy items.
Policies at the forefront of our 2023 legislative agenda at the state level include
Oppose efforts to establish local ordinances that will impose costly and burdensome regulations on the travel and hospitality industry.
Invest additional dollars into Arizona’s statewide and local tourism promotion campaigns to ensure the state is able to recapture market share when large scale traveling resumes.
Enact enabling legislation that allows for the creation of Tourism Infrastructure Packages. These funding packages will provide critical resources across the state to promote local tourism.
Support legislation that will provide for equity in the lodging and tourism industry.
More information and updates on legislation can be found at azleg.gov, then type in the bill number.
Find State Legislator.
For all public affairs requests please contact:
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